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Trouble Ticket #11864

Date Submitted: 2019-11-04

Title of e-Resource: A system of penal discipline : with a report on the treatment of prisoners in Great Britain and Van Dieman's Land

Nature of the Problem: Access denied

Details: When I try to open this (and any other file that utilizes the Making of Modern Law website) I get this error message:

Unauthorized GaleNet Access
You do not have access to this product. Please call your Electronic Sales Specialist at

I spoke to the research help desk, and when they tried to load it up, they couldn't get access to the document through the link provided on the unb world cat search, but if they searched for "Making of Modern Law" the webpage would appear, and then they could search for the source they wanted from there.

At the top of their screen read something to the effect of "University of New Brunswick/Gerard V. La Forest Law Libraries".

However, when I replicate those exact steps in an attempt to utilize the work around, I once again get the error message the moment Making of Modern law loads, and at the top of my screen it reads only "UNB Libraries".

I'm wondering if there's a difference between student/staff accounts that's causing this discrepancy, but in any case - I cannot access this service.

Can you please look into this?

Thank you!


Status: Active

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