Series No. 3, Subseries No. 2
Research records [textual record]. -- 1973-1989. -- 22 cm of textual records
24. American Academy and Institute of Arts and Letters [National Institute of Arts and Letters, New York]
25. Brooks, Anne Sutherland
26. Campbell, W. W. (photocopied works by)
27. Carman, Bliss poems (photocopied from magazines)
28. Carman, Bliss, criticism by
29. Carman, Bliss, criticism of
30. Carman, Bliss (4 letters of)
31. Carman, Bliss (bibliographical)
32. Collins, Joseph Edmund
33. Gustafson, Ralph
34. Hensley, Sophia Almon
35. Hovey, Hariette F. (Mother Hovey)
36. Hovey, Richard
37. Johnson, E. Pauline (2 photocopied works)
38. Lampman, Archibald
39. Leisner, August
40. MacGregor, Charles (clippings)
41. Moore, Charles Leonard (atlas, Xerox)
42. Roberts, C[harles] G. D. (biographical material)
43. Roberts, Charles G. D., life chronology (index cards)
44. Roberts's [Charles G. D.] (photocopied manuscript book Ernescliffe, 1926-1942 and index)
45. Roberts's [Charles G. D.] (photocopied notebook material 1903-1942 and index)
46. Roberts [Charles G.D.] London and London search notes
47. Roberts, Goodridge Bliss, (K[ings] C[ollege] Record and letters from G. B. R to B[liss] C[arman]
48. Roberts, Lloyd
49. Roberts, Theodore (letters and photocopied works)
50. Roberts family various
51. Scott, Duncan Campbell (letters and photocopied works)
52. Strange, Kathleen Redman (photocopied letters to C. G. D. R.)
53. A-Z, individuals, information on
54. Correspondents of Charles G. D. Roberts (index cards)
Note: Cards contain biographical information about correspondents
and note its source. Also included are notes on people, places, historical
events and works referred to in the Roberts letters STORED SEPARATELY
(small brown file box)
55. Roberts, Charles G. D., works of
Note: Index cards which contain either the title of an article
about Roberts or a review of his works along with the writer
or reviewer's name BOX NO. 5
56. The Women's Canadian Historical Society of Toronto, annual reports, 1920/21, 1927/28, 1928/29 and 1929/30
57. Margo Dunn research notes
58. Works by Roberts (index cards) prepared by Margo Dunn
Note: Listing of Roberts's works arranged alphabetically by
title and chronologically by date of publication. Also, listing of essays
and reviews of Roberts's work arranged alphabetically by title of work
and chronologically by date of publication. Cards contain the name of publisher
and date of publication for each work, essay or review BOX NO. 5
59. Working notes about individuals, 1868-1893, 1931-1940
60. Early notes (photocopies)
61. Lists - people, places, homes (from Pomeroy notes)
62. Data sheets (information about correspondents and acquaintances)
63. Interlibrary loan records
64. [Research] mysteries