Series No. 1, Subseries No. 2
Poems, 1885-1894 [textual record]. -- [photocopied 1973-198-?]. -- 22 cm of textual records
60. Mist, February 1885
61. To my friend / Edmund Collins, March 1885
62. To Bliss Carman / with a copy of Lang's 'Helen of Troy', April
63. On reading the poems of Sidney Lanier, April 1885
64. Tides, August 1885
65. Promise, November 1885
66. Collect for Dominion Day, 1885
67. An ode for the Canadian confederacy, 1885
68. The potato harvest, April 1886
69. Dark, September 1886
70. Afloat, 1886
71. Birch and paddle, 1886
72. A birthday ballade, 1886
73. A blue violet, 1886
74. A break, 1886
75. Consolation, 1886
76. The departing of Clote Scarp [Gluskâp], 1886
77. Impulse, 1886
78. The isles - an ode, 1886
79. Khartoum, 1886
80. Liberty / from the French of Louis Honoré Fréchette,
81. The marvellous work, 1886
82. On the creek, 1886
83. On the lagoon, 1886
84. The quelling of the moose, 1886
85. Rain, 1886
86. Reckoning, 1886
87. Salt, 1886
88. A serenade, 1886
89. A song of dependence, 1886
90. To a lady / after hearing her read Keats' 'Nightingale', 1886
91. To S- M-, 1886
92. Tout ou rien, 1886
93. Winter geraniums, 1886
94. Mother of nations, June 1887
95. A song of cheer, January 1888
96. How the Mohawks set out for Medoctec, June 1888
97. Burnt lands, November 1888
98. Frogs, November 1888
99. The keepers of the pass, December 1888
100. Canadians are we, February 1889
101. Severance, March 1889
102. The waking earth, May 1889
103. The night sky, August 1889
104. When milking-time is done, July 1889
105. The summer pool, September 1889
106. The valley of the winding water, November 1889
107. Autochthon, December 1889
108. A Christmas-Eve courtin', December 1889
109. The fortress, December 1889
110. The fir wood, [1891]
111. Life, 1889
112. Triumph, [1889]
113. The winter fields, January 1890
114. Blomidon, February 1890
115. The deserted city, March 1890
116. The flight of the geese, April 1890
117. The furrow, April 1890
118. The night-hawk, May 1890
119. A song of growth, August 1890
120. The mowing, August 1890
121. A vesper sonnet, August 1890
122. Lines for the times, November 1890
123. In the wide awe and wisdom of the night, December 1890
124. Quebec, 1757; 1890
125. The autumn thistles, January 1891
126. New Year's Eve, January 1891
127. Moonlight, March 1891
128. The salt flats, March 1891
129. For a bust of Lanier, April 1891
130. The clearing, August 1891
131. Grey rocks and greyer sea, August 1891
132. The pea-fields, August 1891
133. The Hawkbit, October 1891
134. My trees, 1891
135. The silver thaw, March 1892
136. The bird's song, the sun, and the wind, April 1892
137. The lily of the valley, May 1892
138. The wild-rose thicket, July 1892
139. O solitary of the austere sky, 17 August 1892
140. To G. B. R. [Goodridge Bliss Roberts], 19 August 1892
141. The hermit-thrush, 23 August 1892
142. The cricket, September 1892
143. Ave / an ode for the Shelley centenary, 29 October 1892
144. Epitaph for a sailor buried ashore, December 1892
145. Bringing home the cows, January 1893
146. The cicada in the firs, January 1893
147. Whitewaters, by November 1893
148. Buckwheat, 1893
149. Canadian streams, 1893
150. The chopping bee, 1893
151. The cow pasture, 1893
152. The herring weir, 1893
153. In an old barn, 1893
154. Indian summer, 1893
155. Marsyas, 1893
156. Midwinter thaw, 1893
157. The oat-threshing, 1893
158. Oh, purple hang the pods, 1893
159. Prologue, 1893
160. The pumpkins in the corn, 1893
161. The succor of Gluskâp, 1893
162. The tide of Tantramar, 1893
163. The stillness of the frost, January 1894
164. Resurrection, March 1894
165. The quest of the Arbutus, April 1894
166. Renewal, May 1894
167. Sleepy man, May 1894
168. The trout brook, May 1894
169. The unsleeping, May 1894
170. Admittance, June 1894
171. A homing song, 28 June 1894
172. The piper and the chiming peas, July 1894
173. The ballad of crossing the brook, August 1894
174. Kinship, August 1894
175. Golden-rod, September 1894
176. Up and away in the morning, September 1894
177. Home, home in the evening, September 1894
178. The vengeance of Gluskâp, November 1894
179. Immanence, December 1894