W.C. Desmond Pacey
Curriculum Vitae
May 1, 1917 Born Dunedin, New Zealand
May 1, 1924 Went to England, with mother (father killed
in World War I)
1928-1931 Magnus Grammar School, Newark, Notts.,
Sept., 1931 Came to Canada (to a farm in Glanford
Station, Ontario)
1931 - 1934 Caledonia High School, Ontario
1934 Won three entrance scholarships to the
University of Toronto and the first Carter
Scholarship for Wentworth County, Ontario
1934 - 1938 Victoria College in the University of Toronto
- honours course in Philosophy, English and
History; editor of Acta Victoriana; Speaker
of Debating Parliament; member university and
college soccer teams; President, University
Soccer Club.
1938 B.A. (Toronto), First Class Honours in
English and Philosophy. Awarded three gold
medals and the Massey Travelling Fellowship
for study at Cambridge University.
1938 - 1941 Research student in English literature, and
Dominion and Colonial Exhibitioner, Trinity
College, Cambridge
1939 Married Mary E. Carson of Ottawa (3 sons and
4 daughters: Philip, Mary Ann, Patricia,
Peter, Margaret, Michael, Penelope)
1941 Ph.D. (Cantab.) Dissertation: "The Reception
and Influence of French Realistic Fiction in
Victorian England."
1940 - 1944 Professor of English, Brandon College,
University of Manitoba.
1943 (June - Dec) Executive Officer and Editor, Wartime
Information Board, Ottawa.
1944 - 1969 Professor and Head of the Department of
English, University of New Brunswick,
Fredericton, N.B.
1952 - 1969 Secretary of the Faculty, U.N.B.
1955 Elected a Fellow of the Royal Society of
1955 - 1956 Acting Dean of Arts, U.N.B.
1960 - 1970 Dean of Graduate Studies, U.N.B.
1962 - 1963 Senior Research Fellow, Canada Council, at
Cambridge University.
1964 - 1966 Secretary, Canadian Association of Graduate
1966 - 1968 President, Canadian Association of Graduate
1966 - 1969 Secretary, Section II, Royal Society of
1967 - 1970 Member, Academic Panel, Canada Council
1968 U.N.B. Delegate to Sydney, Australia,
Conference of Universities of the
1969 Guest Lecturer, Yeats International Summer
School, Sligo, Ireland
1970 Vice-President (Academic) U.N.B.
1972 Awarded Lorne Pierce Medal of the Royal
Society of Canada for "distinguished
contribution to Canadian literature"
1972 - 1973 Acting President, U.N.B.
1973 Doctor of Literature (Honoris Causa) Mount
Allison U.
1973 Doctor of Letters (Honoris Causa) U.N.B>
1973 Member, Board of Directors, Association of
Universities and Colleges of Canada
1973 U.N.B. Delegate to Congress of Commonwealth
Universities and Colleges of Canada
1974 Chairman, Committee of Academic Vice-Presidents, Association of Atlantic
1974 Chairman, AUCC Status of Women Committee
1974 University Professor, U.N.B.
"At U.N.B., have served as first Chairman of the Humanities
Association, Chairman of the Library Committee, Chairman of the
Founders' Day Committee, President of the Faculty Club, Chairman
of the Committee on Graduate Studies (1945-50), Associate Editor
and Chairman of the Editorial Board of The Fiddlehead, Chairman
of the Senate Budget Committee 1968-69, Chairman of the Honorary
Degrees Committee, Chairman of the Academic Resources Committee,
Vice-Chairman of the University Senate, Vice-Chairman of Academic
and Campus Planning Committee, Chairman of the Senate Committee
on Appointments, Promotions and Tenure.
In Fredericton, have served as Secretary and later President of
the Charlotte Street Home and School Association, President of
the Fredericton Council of Home and School Associations, member
of the English Curriculum Sub-committee of the Provincial
Department of Education, Secretary and Chairman of the
Fredericton Branch of the Canadian Institute of International
Affairs, Vice-President of the Community Concert Association.
Have given guest lectures at the following institutions and
organizations: University of Auckland, University of Canterbury,
University of Otago, Cambridge University, University of British
Columbia, University of Manitoba, University of Toronto,
University of Western Ontario, Sir George Williams University,
Bishop's University, Mount Allison University, Association of
Commonwealth Language and Literature (Brisbane, Australia),
National Council of Teachers of English (Vancouver, B.C., and Las
Vegas, Nevada), Royal Society of Canada, Association of Canadian
University Teachers of English, Association of Universities and
Colleges of Canada, Canada Studies Foundation, Association of
Canadian Clubs, University Women's Club, etc.
Author of 9 books including Frederick Philip Grove (1945),
Creative Writing in Canada (1952, 1961, 1966), The Picnic and
Other Stories (1958), Ten Canadian Poets (1958), Ethel Wilson
(1968), and Essays in Canadian Criticism (1969); editor of 10
books including A Book of Canadian Stories (1947, 1950, 1961,
1967) and Our Literary Heritage (1966) and Tales from the Margin
(1971); co-editor of A Literary History of Canada (1965);
contributor to 10 books; author of some seventy articles and
thirty short stories which have been published in Canada, the
U.S.A., the U.K., Germany, Switzerland, France, and New Zealand."
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UNB Archives
email address archives@unb.ca
Last Update:12/12/95