Series #5

Related Interest Groups. -- 1969-1973.-- 16cm of textual records

Scope and content: This series reflects the magazine's relationship with a number of environmental organizations and left-leaning interest groups.

It consists of newsletters, circulars and other published material. Some files include correspondence, newspaper clippings, photographs and copies of reports.

Of particular interest is the file "Kingston Newsreel" which includes photographs and printed material relating to the "rebellion" at Kingston Penitentiary which occurred in the Spring of 1971.

Arrangement is alphabetical.

Title based on contents of series.

Scattered throughout the fonds were individual issues of newsletters, reports and other published material relating to a number of groups and organizations. A list of these items was compiled and added to the series (see File #23). The actual material, however, was discarded.

Numerous newsletters, copies of magazines and booklets relating to underground presses were acquired by the Archives after the bulk of the fonds had been deposited. An extensive list of these items was created (see Appendix A and Appendix B). These materials have been retained. Related Interest Groups:

Box 10

1. Aware House

2. Canadian Embassy

3. ECO Newsletter (Environmental Co-ordination)

4. Forest Insects

5. High School Papers

6. Indian Eskimo Association

7. Kingston Newsreel (includes 8 - 4 x 7 b&w photographs relating to the 1971 "rebellion" at Kingston Penitentiary as well as related reports, interviews, statements and editorials)

8. La Causa

9. LPNS - (Last Post News Service)

10. MAPC (Halifax) (Metropolitan Area Planning Committee)

11. MOVE (Halifax) (Movement for Citizens Voice and Action)

12. Natural Resources Council (Maine)

13. NDY (Manitoba) (New Democratic Youth)

14. Newsletter (National Strike Information Center)

15. Parks

16. Prensa Latina

17. Quebec Solidarity Committee

18. Radical Research Centre

19. Red Front

20. Seafaer's [sic] International Union

21. SPEC (The Society for Pollution and Environmental Control)

22. Toronto Research Project

23. List of miscellaneous material from related interest groups [created]


Document Maintained by:
UNB Archives
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Last Update: 97/04/18