Subject files. -- 1969-1973. -- 31 cm of textual records
Scope and content: This series reflects the editors' interest in environmental and pollution issues and their left-leaning political sympathies. It also documents their business and publishing activities.
Included are drafts of articles and editorials, source materials, employee records and promotional circulars. Some files contain correspondence, newspaper clippings, photographs, press releases, and reports.
Of special interest are 4 briefs prepared by the editors on: the suppression of information, poverty, the mass media and the N.B. Liquor Act, and a file -- People's Park (Fredericton) which documents a protest over the "sudden" enforcement of a curfew by-law in Officers' Square.
Arrangement is alphabetical.
Title based on contents of series.
Box 5
1. Advertisers - General2. After Quebec Separates
3. Birth Control Handbook
4. Book Supplement (1970)
5. Canada Council
6. Canadian Serials Directory
7. CAHE (Canadian Association on Human Environment)
8. CAHE (Canadian Association on Human Environment)
9. CAHE/Industry (Employee Tax Deduction Returns)
10. CARD
11. Circulation
12. College of Journalism (Proposed Rubber Duck College of Journalism and Communications)
13. Dominion Bureau of Statistics
14. Gleaner
15. Goss - Interview
16. Inside from Outside
17. Job Applications
18. Journalism CO-OP Jobs
19. Keystone (Keystone Printing and Lithographing Limited)
20. LIP Project (Local Initiatives Program)
21. Listener - CBC Talks
22. Marler (Johnathan) (Opportunities for Youth "UNB Forest Ecological Research Project")
23. McGuigan, Lorne (recipient of the Rubber Duck Award) [created]
24. ME (The Mysterious East) Press Releases
File includes:
a. "Brief on the Suppression of Information Presented to The Task Force on Social Development Province of New Brunswick by The Editors of The Mysterious East" Fredericton, N.B. 5 Feb 1971;
b. Brief to The Special Senate Committee on Poverty by The Editors of The Mysterious East, 6 Aug 1970, Moncton, New Brunswick;
c. Memoire a l'intention du Comite Special du Senat Sur Les Moyens De Communication De Masse M. Le Senateur Keith Davey, President Presente par Donald Cameron Ph.D Professeur agrg d'Anglais, University of New Brunswick et rdacteur collaborateur The Mysterious East; and
d. Brief to The Special Senate Committee on the Mass Media Senator Keith Davey, Chairman by Donald Cameron, Ph.D Associate Professor of English University of New Brunswick and Contributing Editor The Mysterious East
25. Media 71 (A Conference of Journalists)26. Metro Alliance for Development [created]
27. N.B. Liquor Act Brief (includes copy of brief)
28. NC Press
29. Opportunities for Youth, R. Campbell/Middleton
30. Paper Tiger Press [created]
31. People's Park (Fredericton)
32. Petition (Petitions to Her Majesty calling for reform of the judicial system of the Province of New Brunswick)
33. Police and the People
34. Pollution Probe Jobs
35. Press - Goss
36. Press - Typesetting
37. Promotional Material (The Mysterious East) [created]
38. Publishers - Review Copies
39. Semeluk (George P.) - UNB Air Pollution (includes copy of Report to the Academic Planning and Campus Development Committee Minimizing Air Pollution by the New University Central Heating Plant)
40. Strong and Free (proposed book on the War Measures Act and the new public order)
41. Underground Newspapers (includes article on The Mysterious East) [created]