(Periodicals and newspapers received from Robert Campbell and Russell Hunt, August 27, 1973.) Some issues of * periodicals appear in Quest.
The Archibald Newsletter (University of Missouri at Columbia)
*Canadian High News (Toronto, Ontario)
*Today's Generation (Incorporating Canadian High News)
*Canadian Sailor (Official organization, Seafarer's International Union of Canada)
The Cape Breton Highlander
*The Catholic Worker (New York, N.Y.)
*The Center Magazine (A publication of the Centre for the study of democratic institutions, Santa Barbara, California)
*Center Report (Published by the Center for the study of democratic institutions)
*Communist Viewpoint (Progress Books, Toronto, Ontario)
Far East Reporter (New York, N.Y.)
*The Fisherman (Vancouver, B.C.)
F O I Digest (published by the Freedom of Information Center, School of Journalism, University of Missouri)
*Freedom of Information Center Report
I U S Journal on the Democratization and Reform of Education (International Union of Students, Prague, Czechoslovakia)
*Information Bulletin (Supplement to World Marxist Review)
*News & Letters (Detroit, Mich.)
*Northern Neighbors (The magazine of socialism in action, Gravenhurst, Ontario)
*South Viet Nam in Struggle (Central Organization of the South Viet Nam National Front for Liberation, Hanoi)
Vietnam Courier (Information weekly, Hanoi)
Vietnamese Studies. 31. Glimpses of U.S. Neo-colonialism Vol. II. (U.S. Neo-colonialism in South Viet Nam, Hanoi.)
*World Marxist Review (Prague, Czech.)
*World Student News (Magazine of the International Union of Students, Prague, Czech.)
Young (Jeune) Cinema & Theatre (Cultural magazine of I.U.S.)
Glimpses of Vietnamese classical literature (Foreign language publishing house, Hanoi, 1972)
The road to socialism in Canada (the program of the Communist Party of Canada, Toronto, Ontario)
Cuba will not renounce her right to fish in international waters (Political editions, Cuba, 1971)
We will maintain our position based on principles (Political editions, Cuba, 1971)
See donor file for a detailed listing.