Transcription for Indian Affairs
Document #18
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To His Excellency, Thomas Carleton Esquire, Lieutenant
            Governor and Commander, in Chief in and over His
            Majestys Province of New Brunswick; and the
            Honorable His Majestys, Council for said Province;

                      The Memorial of the following Indians
            with their familys Natives of the River Tabusintack;
                     Humbly Sheweth

                                That your Memorialists, have
            remained with the greatest impatiance these
            several years past, and allowed the English to
            settle an the lower end of Tabusintack, on Lands
            which your Memorialists, forefathers possessed
            and as the English are now becoming too numerous
            and about to encroach upon the ground or part
            of the River from which your Memorialists draw
            [their only Subsistance] for more than [One Hundred]
            year and having no right to any of the North
            West. Eeling ground licenced to the Miramichi
            Indians: Your Memorialists, therefore most
            Humbly prays, that your Excellency and Honor,
            will be pleased to grant or allow us a permanent
            Licence of Occupation, of a Tract of Land, on
            both sides of the River to secure our Eeling ground
            to Commence at a place commonly called the Red
           June Brook, or [Cowasegits], and to Extend five
           Miles up the River, and your Memorialists prays
           that your Excellency [H] Honors will grant such
           an answer as to you in your Wisdom shall
           seem meet, and your Memorialists as in
           duty bound, will ever pray
                                 Miramichi 26th September 1801.

Thoma Gonish               x                               [Piere Glonor]            x
Louie Thoma Gonish     x                               [illegible] Glonor         x
Ekean Thoma Gonish    x Indian Marks           Joseph Glonor            x Indian Marks
Francis Joseph Gonish  x                               Francis Glonor           x
Thoma [Seth] Gonish     x                              Joseph Mally              x
Newell Thoma Gonish                                 Francis Sabia             x
[illegible]                        x                              Antwen Sabia             x

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The situation applied for in this Memorial is
Vacant, being about 7 Miles up the Tabusintack
River which discharges into the Gulph of St. Lawrence
about 6 Miles to the Eastward of the lower Negayac
Village, from which a Portage of about 8 Miles NW.
communicates with the land they ask for, they
wish to extend 5 miles up the River and 1 ½ mile
on each side; their application appears to be
resonable and can interfere with no settlement__
the New settlements they mention are lately made
at the entrance of the River
                                             Geo. Sproule Septr. 1801                       Surveyr. Gen.

Indians settled on the
River Tabusintack _

The tract petitioned for
to be reserved for the
use of the tribe.
      9th. October 1801


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Last Update:  2002/03/31