advantage at St. Andrews,
where it is admitted by inland
Navigation from the United
States duty free, - it sells there
at about 3 [...] lb.
Friday_ Saturday & Sunday- 6th. 7th. &
8th June being
thick foggy weather &
little or no Wind, we could not sail
& during this time we
lodged at Eastport in the House of a Mr.
Pine who formerly belonged
to the Province of New Brunswick
in whose house we found
very good accommodation but char-
-ges are extravagantly high___
9th June Monday Morning having cleared we
Sailed from Eastport at
8 OClock._ Eastport is at present
in appearance an extremely
dull place & a Stranger would
at first view say that little
or no business was done here, but
being situated so near the
British boundary & from the Number
Water Land 2114 153 Prescott to Ogdensburgh & back 3 do . Martins 22 Martins. Cornwall 28 Cornwall to Coteau de Lac Via St Regis 41 Coteau de Lac to Cascades 16 Cascades to La chine 24 Lachine to Montreal 9 Montreal to La chine up Ottawa 9 Lachine to Pt. Fortune Via Cascades 60 Pt Fortune to Grenville 12 Grenville to Bytown 59 Bytown to Hawkesbury going 4 Miles up the [Rv] Nation 67 Hawkesbury to Pt Fortune 12 Pt Fortune to La chine via St Ann 45 La chine to Montreal 9 Montreal to Quebec 180 By Steam & Boats 2593 : 270 Land 270 2863 miles |
The following addresses
are those
we are led to believe respectable E.S. Beach & Co