Transcription for Gilmour and Rankin
Document #20
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                  Remarks by
Allan Gilmour, Senr & Junr & William
    Ritchie on Tour from Saint John
 N. B. through the United States to
      Quebec in Canada in the
             Year       1828.
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5th June 1828.               Left Saint John N. B. in Steam Boat at
7 OClock & reached Eastport after a very good passage about a quarter
past 2 OClock being a distance of about 60 Miles_  On our arrival
at Eastport finding a Packet waiting a Wind for Boston, we
went on board & engaged our passage by her.  The Packet is called
the Sarah of Boston 133 Tons [...] Register or 180 Tons British.
 On our passage down to Eastport we had some conversation
with a Mr Smith of St. John who had Cured a quantity of Pork
there last Winter, he collected it from various quarters, but
he said the greatest part of it was bro[t] from the head of the
Bay. it cost him 4 [...] lb & he paid for Spruce Barrels 4/- which
he said holds in Pickle as well as ash_ for Cutting & packing he paid
1/6 & other charges including Salt would amount to 4/6  more__
It was his opinion that curing Pork could be done to much better

advantage at St. Andrews, where it is admitted by inland
Navigation from the United States duty free, - it sells there
at about 3 [...] lb.
            Friday_ Saturday & Sunday-  6th. 7th. & 8th June being
thick foggy weather & little or no Wind, we could not sail
& during this time we lodged at Eastport in the House of a Mr.
Pine who formerly belonged to the Province of New Brunswick
in whose house we found very good accommodation but char-
-ges are extravagantly high___
             9th June  Monday Morning having cleared we
Sailed from Eastport at 8 OClock._  Eastport is at present
in appearance an extremely dull place & a Stranger would
at first view say that little or no business was done here, but
being situated so near the British boundary & from the Number

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                                                      Water       Land
                                                      2114         153
Prescott to Ogdensburgh & back       3
         do   .  Martins                                         22
Martins.  Cornwall                                            28
Cornwall to Coteau de Lac
     Via St Regis                               41
Coteau de Lac to Cascades                              16
Cascades to La chine                       24
Lachine to Montreal                                          9
Montreal to La chine up Ottawa                          9
Lachine to Pt. Fortune
                     Via Cascades             60
Pt Fortune to Grenville                                      12
Grenville to Bytown                           59
Bytown to Hawkesbury going
  4 Miles up the [Rv] Nation                67
Hawkesbury to Pt Fortune                                 12
Pt Fortune to La chine via St Ann       45
La chine to Montreal                                          9
Montreal to Quebec                           180                 
    By Steam & Boats                        2593   :      270
                        Land                        270  
                                                       2863 miles
The following addresses are those
we are led to believe respectable

E.S. Beach & C                Rochester
T. S Wendell                       Detroit
Jno. Palmer                                 do
James Gordon                     Amherstburgh
Lewis Gordon                               do
Merwin Gidings & Co            Cleveland
Saml Thompson & Co           Buffalo
Major [Ia] Kirby                     Fort Erie
R Thomson & C                         do
Grant & Kirby & C              Queenston
Geo. Keefer Thorald               near do
Cross & Fisher                      Long Point Lake Erie
Clarke & Street                      Fort George
John Young                                 do
[I.] Cawthra                           York
H. Hamilton                                 do
Col. Jarvis                                   do
John Kirby                            Kingston
John Strange                               do
John McDonald Miller            Gananoque
                                           below Kingston

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UNB Archives
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Last Update:  2002/03/31