Barbour, Douglas White.
Berland, Jane The Landscape of Kin.
Booth, Luella Old Mama.
Bowering, Marilyn One Who Became Lost.
---. The Dragon Book.
Burns, Robert Ben Neptune.
Burston, Candace A. Pale Lady.
Chase, Gillean The Distress of Harvest.
Choyce, Lesley Re-Inventing the Wheel.
Colson, Theodore The Beauty of It.
Cooper, Allan Blood Lines.
Cunningham, Ralph Lovesongs and Others.
D'Amboise, Jacqueline Mother Myths.
Davidson, Donald &
Campbell, A.P. The Letter of Alexander the
Great to Aristotle: The Old
English Version Turned into
Modern English.
Dunlop, Donna Changing Voices.
Finnigan, Joan This series has been
Flanagan, Robt. Once You Learn Never Forget.
Fleet, Brenda Needlepoint.
Forsythe, Kathleen Phoenix Rising.
---. A manuscript
Franken, Marcia Bell Tangled Flame.
Fulford, R.W. Powerful Minds.
Gervais, Marty The Believable Body.
Gill, Lakshmi Novena to St. Jude Thaddeus.
Grace, Gregory Heaven's Door.
Harasym, Sally Circles in the Sand.
Harper, Elizabeth Games Like Passacaglia.
Hauser, Gwen Gophers and Swans.
Hayes, Diana Moving Inland.
Hennessey, Bryan Counting Gifts.
Hill, Mary Lou (no title)
Hornsey, Richard Where Ponds and Rivers Lead.
Itani, Frances No Other Lodgings.
James, Candice The Cat's Eye.
Johnson, Jane Never, the Sun.
Kemp, Penny Changing Place.
Klassen, Jean-Marie L'Etoile.
MacDonald, Bernell The Theories of Fish.
---. Poems.
---. Seeds We Planted.
McIlwain, Sandy And Between Us, the Night.
MacKinnon, Ian 15 Poems.
McPhee, Rosalind Scarecrow.
McRobbie, Kenneth Hole.
Mallory, Norman The Lady Katherine Scenario.
Moore, Roger Last Year in Paradise.
Nelson, Sharon H. Blood Poems.
Newton, Norman On the Broken Mountain.
Oliver, Michael Brian The Dread of Self: The Poetry
of Alden Nowlan.
---. Alden Nowlan: Poet's
---. The Presence of Ice: The Early
Poetry of Alden Nowlan.
---. You took the Words Out of My
---. To a Sister Lonliness.
Orlovich, Walter Manshapes, Moonshapes.
Oulton, Bonnie Pocket Crumbs.
Plourde, Marc Francis Wiper Trilogy.
Polson, Don Lone Travellers.
Purdy, Alfred Emu, Remember!.
Rashley, R.E. Paso Por Aqui.
Rempel, Sandra Nelson Images of Glass.
Roberts, Dorothy (untitled manuscript)
Rosenfield, Rita The Days in Careful Measure.
Scott, Anne The Sun in Winter.
---. Inside.
Skitch, Gordon Needle Points.
Solway, David The Egyptian Airforce.
Stevens, Peter The Bogman Pavese Tactics.
Sullivan, Dale H. Wind, Sun, Stone and Ice.
Swede, George A Snowman Headless.
Thurston, Harry Barefaced Stone.
Tyler, Kathy The Ultimate Contact.
Van Wart, Alice Positionings.
Wade, Jennifer To Fly With Icarus.
Welch, Liliane Syntax of Ferment.
---. Brush and Trucks.
---. October Winds.
Willis, Mary Earth's Only Light.
---. Under the World's Green
Woodcock, George The Mountain Road.
Wreford, James Countryside Canada.
Yates, J. Michael (manuscript in progress)
Yeo, Marg Something About Silence.
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Last Update: 95/06/22