Series 12

(Cases 57-64, 71-85)

Vice-President (Academic). -- 1874; 1926-1970; predominant 1965-1969. -- 292.1 cm (23 cases).

Dr. Bailey served as Vice-President (Academic) at the University of New Brunswick from 1965-1969, during a period of dynamic expansion and radical student activism. Under President Colin B. Mackay, who served from 1953-1969, UNB experienced rapid growth, with the construction of several new buildings and the creation of new faculties, courses, and programs, the construction of a new library, the development of research centres, and the expansion of graduate studies. The cultural life of the university also was enhanced through the appointment of resident writers, musicians and artists. Politically, the university underwent rapid transformation following the passage of a new UNB Act in 1968, which lead to a major reorganization of administrative structures and brought increased student and faculty participation in university politics.

The bulk of this series comprises office files which were generated by Dr. Bailey during his term as Vice-President (Academic). Included are memos and correspondence, letters of application and curriculum vitaes, nineteen sixties agendas and minutes of meetings of departments and university governing bodies, review articles, newsletters and offprints, financial reports, and general reports of departments, faculties, and organizations affiliated with the university or with secondary education.

These files document the administrative life of the University of New Brunswick during the nineteen sixties, and reflect the general movement towards democratization of university government during this period. The activities of various academic offices and services, including the Awards office, the Accommodations office, the Comptroller's office, the Registrar's office, and Graphic services, are recorded in this series, together with the day-to-day operations of the governing bodies and the departments, faculties, and schools within the institution.

Arts Council minutes for 1966-1970 (case 57 files 4-5, case 58 file 1) include discussions about regulations, curriculum changes, the introduction of a credit system, plans to establish a separate fine arts department and introduce new courses such as Russian, and the construction of Tilley Hall. Efforts also were made to separate joint departments such as sociology and anthropology and economics and political science into individual departments.

The Board of Deans acts in an advisory capacity to the President on issues such as student discipline and appeals relating to academic standing. 1968-1969 minutes of the Board of Deans (case 60 files 6-7) discuss efforts to develop a school of social work at UNB and a proposal to establish a program for Loyalist studies and publications. 1969 minutes focus on the Strax Affair, and include a copy of the 27 December, 1968 judgment by Mr. Justice J. Paul Berry of the Queen's Bench Division of the Supreme Court of New Brunswick with regard to the suspension of Dr. Norman Strax.

Under the structural reorganization of the 1968 UNB Act, the former University Council was reconstituted as the UNB Senate, and the old Senate became the new Board of Governors. The post-1968 Senate became responsible for the academic affairs and overall general welfare of the university. Minutes of Senate meetings from 1968-1970 document the slow and often bitter process towards democratization of the UNB governing structures, with increased faculty and student participation, and recognition that the Senate must be more accountable and open to the university community at large. 1969 minutes detail the struggle for student representation on the Senate, and the activities surrounding the Strax Affair.

Reports and nineteen sixties minutes of various Senate committees, including Academic Planning and Campus Development and the Creative Arts Committee, also are included in the Senate files.

Board of Governors' 1969 minutes (case 59 file 11) focus on discussion of the Strax Affair. Other documents and news articles relating to the Strax case are found in case 80 file 22.

Files relating to the School of Graduate Studies document the inauguration of post-doctoral fellowships in 1967 (case 71 file 1), the creation of the new position of Associate Dean of graduate studies in the same year, and proposals to create new PhD. programs in psychology and history and to establish research institutes such as the Fire Centre. The increased status of the School of Graduate Studies and the support for academic research are reflected in the report of the special Senate committee on the proposal to establish a computer science program at UNB following the establishment of the Computing Centre in 1964, and in discussions centring on the 1968 establishment of the Muskeg Research Institute for peat analysis (case 79 files 1-2). 1966-1970 minutes of the School of Graduate Studies Executive Committee are found in case 71.

The series also contains historical information relating to the establishment of the Fiddlehead magazine in 1945. In 3 June, 1966 correspondence with the Hon. Arthur A. Wishart, the Ontario Attorney-General, Dr. Bailey discusses the poetry club which he established at UNB in 1940, and the subsequent founding of the Fiddlehead magazine (case 60 file 1). Other material related to the Fiddlehead publication (case 64 file 4, case 73 file 1) includes correspondence with Kent Thompson, then editor of the magazine, Dr. Bailey's resignation from the Board of Editors in 1970, an application for a Canada Council grant, minutes of the 1968 and 1970 meetings, and an article written to commemorate the twenty-fifth anniversary of the launching of the magazine by Dr. Bailey and Donald Gammon.

Case 60 file 2 contains information on Arthur St. George Richardson, the first Black to attend the University of New Brunswick.

Material related to the Fiddlehead magazine also is located in series 3 case 95 file 3.

Restricted access applies to all Arts Council minutes.

Files within the series' cases are arranged alphabetically, with one minor exception.

The title of the series is supplied based on the file contents.

Series 12 File listings

Case 57 File 1      Accommodations Office. -- 1967-1969;
                    predominant 1967
Case 57 File 2      Applications -- Miscellaneous. -- 1969.
Case 57 File 3      Archaeology -- Correspondence concerning a new
                    archaeologist, also corres. with David Sanger.
                    -- 1967-1969.
Case 57 File 4      Arts Council Minutes 1967-1968 (incl.). --
Case 57 File 5      Arts Council Minutes 1963-1966 (incl.). --
Case 57 File 6      A.U.C.C. - Assoc. of Universities & Colleges
                    of Canada. -- 1968.
Case 57 File 7      A.U.N.B.T. - Assoc. of Univ. of New Brunswick
                    Teachers. -- 1965-1970.
Case 57 File 8      Awards Office. -- 1966-1970.
Case 57 File 9      "A" Miscellaneous. -- 1966-1969.

Case 58 File 1      Arts Council minutes, 1969. -- 1969-1970
Case 58 File 2      Arts Faculty - General. -- 1969
Case 58 File 3      Arts Faculty - Committee to appoint a new Dean
                    of Arts. -- 1968-1970
Case 58 File 4      Arts Faculty - Corres. with Dean of Arts. --
Case 58 File 5      Business Administration Department - "The
                    Reddin Affair" (corres. concerning sp. exams
                    for Bus. Admin. students). -- 1968-1969
Case 58 File 6      Arts Faculty - Business Administration Dept. 
                    -- 1965-1970
Case 58 File 7      Arts Faculty - Classics Dept. -- 1965-1970

Case 59 File 1      Arts Faculty - English Dept. -- 1964-1969
Case 59 File 2      Arts Faculty - German Dept.  -- 1968-1970
Case 59 File 3      Arts Faculty - Mathematics Dept. -- 1965-1969
Case 59 File 4      Arts Faculty - Philosophy Dept. -- 1966-1969
Case 59 File 5      Arts Faculty - Psychology Dept. -- 1965-1969
Case 59 File 6      Arts Faculty - Romance Languages. -- 1965-1970
Case 59 File 7      Arts Faculty - Dept. of Soc. & Anthropology. 
                    -- 1961-1969
Case 59 File 8      Beaverbrook scholarships. -- 1954-1962
Case 59 File 9      Beaverbrook Art Gallery correspondence. --
Case 59 File 10     Board of Deans meeting - promotions. -- 1967-
Case 59 File 11     Board of Governors 1969. -- 1969
Case 59 File 12     Board of Governors - 1969 Salary committee. --

Case 60 File 1      Bailey, A.G. - Personal 1966-67 inc. . --
Case 60 File 2      Bailey, A.G. - Personal 1962-65 inc. -- 1953,
Case 60 File 3      Bailey, A.G. (personal) prior to 1930. --
Case 60 File 4      Beaverbrook Lecturer. -- 1967-1968
Case 60 File 5      Bilingual B.A. (corresp. concerning). -- 1968-
Case 60 File 6      Board of Deans. -- 1966-1969
Case 60 File 7      Board of Governors 1968. -- 1968-1969
Case 60 File 8      Bookstore - UNB. -- 1967-1970
Case 60 File 9      Bryan Priestman Memorial Lectures. -- 1965-
Case 60 File 10     Budget Office - D-12 Visiting Lecturers Fund.
                    -- 1966-1969
Case 60 File 11     Budget Office - General. -- 1968-1969
Case 60 File 12     Buildings and Grounds Dept. -- 1966-1968
Case 60 File 13     Business Office. -- 1966-1969
Case 60 File 14     "B" Miscellaneous. -- 1964-1969

Case 61 File 1      The Canada Council. -- 1967-1969
Case 61 File 2      Canada Manpower Centre. -- 1969
Case 61 File 3      C.A.U.T. - Canadian Association of University
                    Teacher. --1965-1968
Case 61 File 4      Canadian Historical Association. -- 1969
Case 61 File 5      Centennial Building. -- 1963--1967
Case 61 File 5B     Pillars inscriptions material. -- [196?]
Case 61 File 6      Centennial volume. -- 1966-1968
Case 61 File 7      Centennial Committee - UNB. -- 1965-1968
Case 61 File 8      College ability test scores. -- 1963-1966
Case 61 File 9      Cmss. on Relations between Universities and
                    Governments. -- 1968
Case 61 File 10     Comptroller's Office. -- 1965-1969

Case 62 File 1      Assistant Comptroller's Office. -- 1968
Case 62 File 2      Convocation. -- 1965-1969
Case 62 File 3      Curriculum Changes. -- 1966
Case 62 File 4      "C" miscellaneous. -- 1965-1970
Case 62 File 5      Deans, - Notices. -- 1969
Case 62 File 6      Director of Development. -- 1969
Case 62 File 7      Douglas Gold Medal. -- 1960-1968
Case 62 File 8      "D" Miscellaneous. -- 1965-1968
Case 62 File 9      Department of Education (Prov.). -- 1964-1966
Case 62 File 10     Faculty of Education - Corres. with Dean. --
Case 62 File 11     Faculty of Education - General. -- 1961-1970
Case 62 File 12     Elective course economics. -- 1967

Case 63 File 1      Engineering faculty. -- 1965-1969
Case 63 File 2      Extension department - corres. with Dean. --
Case 63 File 3      Extension Department - General. -- 1965-1968
Case 63 File 4      "E" miscellaneous. -- 1964-1967
Case 63 File 5      "F" miscellaneous. -- 1967-1968
Case 63 File 6      Faculty - General. -- 1969
Case 63 File 7      Faculty lists. -- 1965-1969
Case 63 File 8      Faculty - manual, 1967-. --1960-1967

Case 64 File 1      Faculty - Manual, 1965-66 (inc.). -- 1965-1967
Case 64 File 2      Faculty - Minutes of Meetings. --1965-1969
Case 64 File 3      Faculty - Regulations. -- 1967
Case 64 File 4      Fiddlehead. -- 1968-1970
Case 64 File 5      Five year projection plan. -- 1968
Case 64 File 6      Forestry Faculty. -- 1968-1969

Case 71 File 1      Graduate School - Correspondence with Dean. --
Case 71 File 2      Graduate School - Correspondence with
                    Associate Dean. -- 1969-1970
Case 71 File 3      Graduate School - Correspondence with
                    Students. -- 1963-1969
Case 71 File 4      Graduate School - General. -- 1958-1969
Case 71 File 5      Graduate School - Minutes of meetings. --
Case 71 File 6      Graduate School - Notice of orals and thesis
                    titles Dept. History. -- [n.d.]
Case 71 File 7      Graphic services. -- 1969
Case 71 File 8      "G" Miscellaneous. -- 1965-1968
Case 71 File 9      (New) High school curriculum. -- 1966-1967
Case 71 File 10     History Department - Calendar material. --
Case 71 File 11     History Department - Course, History 3120. -- 

Case 72 File 1      History Department - Course, History 6180. --
Case 72 File 2      History Department - General. -- 1965-1970
Case 72 File 3      History Department - Library. -- 1965-1970
Case 72 File 4      History Department - Dept'l summer session. --
Case 72 File 5      History of Science course. -- 1968
Case 72 File 6      Honours. -- 1965-1970
Case 72 File 7      Humanities Association of Canada. -- 1967-1968
Case 72 File 8      "H" Miscellaneous. -- 1864; 1965-1968

Case 73 File 1      "I" Miscellaneous. -- empty file
Case 73 File 2      Information Office. -- 1967-1969
Case 73 File 3      Irish literature. -- 1961
Case 73 File 4      "J" miscellaneous. -- 1966-1967
Case 73 File 5      "K" miscellaneous. -- 1964-1968
Case 73 File 6      Leaves - Sabbatical, study, leave of absence.
                    -- 1969
Case 73 File 7      Literary History of Canada. -- 1966-1968
Case 73 File 8      Livesay, Mrs. Dorothy, Writer-in-residence. --
Case 73 File 9      Literary History of Canada material file I. --
Case 73 File 10     Literary History of Canada - Reviews of. --
Case 73 File 11     Literary History of Canada - Correspondence
                    concerning. -- 1964-1965

Case 74 File 1      Literary History of Canada material file II. -
                    - 1963-1964
Case 74 File 2      Literary History of Canada material file III.
                    -- 1963-1964
Case 74 File 3      "L" miscellaneous. -- 1964-1970

Case 75 File 1      University of Maine. -- 1966-1968
Case 75 File 2      Majors. -- 1965-1969
Case 75 File 3      Military history (Defence Research Board). --
Case 75 File 4      "Military history of Pictou County" -
                    Correspondence. -- 1967
Case 75 File 5      "M" miscellaneous. -- 1964-1969
Case 75 File 6      "Mc, Mac" miscellaneous. -- 1965-1970
Case 75 File 7      New Brunswick Museum. -- 1962-1969
Case 75 File 8      Noranda lectures. -- 1965-1967
Case 75 File 9      "N" miscellaneous. -- 1965-1969
Case 75 File 10     Oral history project. -- 1967
Case 75 File 11     "O" miscellaneous. -- 1965-1968
Case 75 File 12     Personnel office. -- 1967-1969
Case 75 File 13     President's office - 1968 . -- 1967-1968
Case 75 File 14     President's office - 1967. -- 1963 ; 1967

Case 76 File 1      President's office - 1962-1964. -- 1962-1965
Case 76 File 2      President's office - 1965-66. -- 1965-1966
Case 76 File 3      President's office - 1969. -- 1968-1970
Case 76 File 4      Pre-medical education at UNB. -- 1967-1968
Case 76 File 5      Prizes. -- 1966-1969
Case 76 File 6      Purchasing office. -- 1967-1968
Case 76 File 7      Purchase requisitions. -- 1966-1970
Case 76 File 8      "P" miscellaneous. -- 1966-1968

Case 77 File 1      Recommendations - 1968. -- 1968
Case 77 File 2      Recommendations - 1967. -- 1967
Case 77 File 3      Recommendations - 1967. -- 1962-1966
Case 77 File 4      Registrar's office - 1967-1968. -- 1966-1968
Case 77 File 5      Registrar's office - 1964-1966. -- 1964-1966
Case 77 File 6      Report on the Future of the University. --
Case 77 File 7      Royal Society of Canada - 1969. -- 1968-1969

Case 78 File 1      Royal Society of Canada 1962-1968. -- 1962-
Case 78 File 2      "R" Miscellaneous. -- 1962-1969
Case 78 File 3      Registrar's Office - 1969. -- 1968-1970
Case 78 File 4      Sabbatical leaves. -- 1965-1969 (predominant
Case 78 File 5      Saint John campus 1968-69. -- 1968-1969
Case 78 File 6      Saint John campus 1965-67 (inc.). -- 1965-1967
Case 78 File 7      Saint Thomas University. -- 1964-1969
Case 78 File 8      Science Faculty. -- 1966-1969

Case 79 File 1      Senate 1969. -- 1968-1970
Case 79 File 2      Senate 1968. -- 1968-1969
Case 79 File 3      Senate committees - Academic planning and
                    campus development. -- 1968-1970

Case 80 File 1      Senate committees - Admissions committee. --
Case 80 File 2      Senate committees - Committee on appointment.
                    -- 1968
Case 80 File 3      Senate committees - Athletics committee. --
Case 80 File 4      Senate committees - Awards committee. -- 1968
Case 80 File 5      Senate committees - Budget committee. -- 1968-
Case 80 File 6      Senate committees - Calendar committee. --
Case 80 File 7      Senate committees - Ceremonies committee. --
Case 80 File 8      Senate committees - Committee on the
                    composition of Senate. -- 1968
Case 80 File 9      Senate committees - Computer centre committee.
                    -- 1968-1970
Case 80 File 10     Senate committees - Creative arts committee. -
                    - 1965-1970
Case 80 File 11     Senate committees - Curriculum committee. --
Case 80 File 12     Senate committees - Examinations Committee. --
Case 80 File 13     Senate committees - Facilities and services
                    committee. -- 1969
Case 80 File 14     Senate committees - Founder's Day committee. -
                    - 1964-1969
Case 80 File 15     Senate committees - Lecture series. -- 1968 
Case 80 File 16     Senate committees - Library committee. --
Case 80 File 17     Senate committees - Committee on Research. --
Case 80 File 18     Senate committees - Residences committee. --
Case 80 File 19     Senate committees - Summer school and
                    extension operations. -- 1968-1969
Case 80 File 20     Senate committees - Timetable committee. --
Case 80 File 21     Social sciences at UNB. -- 1965-1968
Case 80 File 22     The Strax Affair (campus unrest). -- 1968-1972
Case 80 File 23     Student union building. -- 1968

Case 81 File 1      Students - Corres. 1967-. -- 1967-1969
Case 81 File 2      Students - Corres. 1964-1966. -- 1965-1966
Case 81 File 3      Students - Unsatisfactory work. -- 1964-1967
Case 81 File 4      Students - Withdrawals. -- 1965-1968
Case 81 File 5      Students - Counselling. -- 1964-1967
Case 81 File 6      Student Representative Council 1969. -- 1968-
Case 81 File 7      Student Representative Council 1968. -- 1968
Case 81 File 8      Student Representative Council 1967. -- 1967
Case 81 File 9      Summer School - Corres. with director. --
Case 81 File 10     Summer School - General. -- 1968-1969
Case 81 File 11     "S" miscellaneous. -- 1964-1969
Case 81 File 12     Teachers' College. -- 1966-1968
Case 81 File 13     Telephone - Long distance calls. -- [196?]
Case 81 File 14     Tilley Hall. -- 1964-1968
Case 81 File 15     "T" miscellaneous. -- 1965-1968

Case 82 File 1      University Act. -- 1968
Case 82 File 2      University committee - 1969. -- 1969
Case 82 File 3      University committee. -- 1966-1968
Case 82 File 4      University committee. -- 1966
Case 82 File 5      University Council, 1967-68 (June '68). --

Case 83 File 1      University Council, 1964-66 (inc.). -- 1964-
Case 83 File 2      University publishing service. -- 1967-1968
Case 83 File 3      University Senate - 1968 (til June). -- 1965-

Case 84 File 1      University Senate - 1967. -- 1966-1967
Case 84 File 2      University Senate - 1966. -- 1965-1966
Case 84 File 3      University of Toronto Press. -- 1965-1969
Case 84 File 4      "U" Miscellaneous. -- empty file
Case 84 File 5      Vice President (Administration). -- 1964-1969
Case 84 File 6      Visiting lecturers' fund material sent to W.B.
                    Baker July 1969. -- 1969
Case 84 File 7      Visiting lecturers' fund - General. -- `963-
Case 84 File 8      Visiting lecturers' fund - Arts faculty. --
Case 84 File 9      Visiting lecturers' fund - Education. -- 1968-
Case 84 File 10     Visiting lecturers' fund - Engineering Faculty
                    -- 1966-1969

Case 85 File 1      Visiting lecturers' fund - Forestry Faculty. -
                    - 1966-1969
Case 85 File 2      Visiting lecturers' fund - Law Faculty. --
Case 85 File 3      Visiting lecturers' fund - Nursing School. --
Case 85 File 4      Visiting lecturers' fund - Science Faculty. --
Case 85 File 5      "U" and "V" miscellaneous. -- 1965-1967
Case 85 File 6      Virginia. -- 1958-1964
Case 85 File 7      "V" miscellaneous. -- empty file
Case 85 File 8      "W" miscellaneous. -- 1965-1968
Case 85 File 9      "X" miscellaneous. -- empty file
Case 85 File 10     "Y" miscellaneous. -- 1967
Case 85 File 11     "Z" miscellaneous. -- empty file
Case 85 File 12     Information for meeting on promotions, Dec.
                    11. -- 1968
Case 85 File 13     Promotions - Confidential. -- 1969
Case 85 Envelope 14 Promotions 1968. -- 1968
Case 85 Envelope 15 Promotions 1969-70. -- 1969-1970
Case 85 Envelope 16 Promotions. -- 1969-1970


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Last Update: 95/11/08